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Altitude: mt 75 | Distance from the provincial capital: Km 23 | Zip Code: 43036 | Phone code: 0524 | Surface area: Km2 95,15

As it was in the past the center of the path of the pilgrims along the Via Francigena-Romea,  Fidenza still remains the fulcrum of very important roads (national road / highway / railroad). Episcopal and disctrict court seat. Upper school campus (high school and technical institute). Mechanical, glass, electrical and clothing industries. There’s a shopping center (Fidenza Village outlet) of national level. Presence of a theater ('' Magnani" with concerts and opera seasons of prose), of the romanesque Cathedral and its beautiful restored crypt,  dating back to the thirteenth century. Town hall in Gothic Lombard. Recentely it has been built a major hospital center with various medical specialties (between Fidenza and Salsomaggiore).

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