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ristoranti terenzo

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banner dove andiamo terenzo

ristoranti terenzo

Altitude: mt 541 | Distance from the provincial capital: Km 35 | Zip Code: 43040 | Phone code: 0525 | Surface area: Km2 72,34

The mountainsous territory of Terenzo extends from Val Baganza to Val Taro. It represents a strategic road junction of the Francigena Road between mountain and  plain. It gathers a great variety of natural landscapes: from the cultivated hills, barren plains of the ridges, woods of oaks, hornbeams and the pine forest of  Cassius Mountain. It has geological interesting aspects: the backbone of the "leaps of the devil" and the rocky massif of the natural reserve of Mount Prinzera, which consists of ophiolites.  In the little village of Bardone there is the  beautiful Romanesque church with sculptures of Antelami school. Cassio village is one of the highest point of the Romea road (m. 815 SJM).

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