The Parma province stretches from the fertile plains along the great river Po at rolling hills covered with vineyards, up to the mountains and to the extraordinary Ridge area parks, rich with lakes and forests.
The area is dotted with fortresses and castles, stunning residences of local noble families, embellished with extraordinary works of art, from parks and Spa where health and beauty are combined with hospitality.
Products of excellence of the territory are a poetry for lovers of good food and offer a rich basket of goodies: His Majesty, Culatello, the famous Parma ham, Felino salami, Regal Spalla Cotta di San Secondo loved by Giuseppe Verdi, the sumptuous Parmigiano Reggiano cheese from unique properties, Borgotaro Porcini Mushrooms, black truffle Fragno and Finally, the dei Colli di Parma wines: Malvasia loved by Garibaldi who wanted to transplant on his rocky Caprera, the sparkling Lambrusco ideal with cold cuts and amazing Fortana del Taro.
A wealth of flavor that marries the beauty of landscapes, Natural Parks, the thermal waters and strewn with art even in the smallest towns, to discover, step by step in a journey full of constant and unexpected surprises.