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ristoranti traversetolo

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ristoranti traversetolo

Altitude: mt 170 | Distance from the provincial capital: Km 20 | Zip Code: 43029 | Phone code: 0521 | Surface area: Km2 54,61

Foothill center located to the left of the Enza and along the Termina tributary. Important point of the “Food Valley” running from Traversetolo, to Montechiarugolo, Lesignano, Langhirano, Felino, Sala Baganza to get to Collecchio. Important Sunday market frequented by populations of mountain communities as well as those of neighboring countries. In its territory there are two important museums: Fondazione Magnani Rocca (important picture gallery) and Renaio Brozzi, sculptor friend of D'Annunzio. In Traversetolo there are industries of agro-food and crafts, a private technical colleges and sports facilities. A Guardasone there’s a Castle and “guradhouse”.

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