Altitude: mt 690 | Distance from the provincial capital: km 50 | Zip Code: 43021 | Phone code: 0525 | Surface area: Km2 166.09
Within the Hundred Lakes Regional Park, it is a land rich in beech woods, chestnuts, oaks and numerous lakes and some of them have shelters. The Apennine peaks mark the boundaries with the tuscan province of Massa-Carrara. Thanks to its proximity to the sea, Compiano is a popular summer destination for citizens. The village, known since ancient times as a passage to the sea, is crossed by the road Romea and by the Road of Salt, transit trade, crossed by travelers and pilgrims. In its center there is a castle dating back to the late Middle Ages, feudal lords and fortification first of Rossi family, then Fieschi and then Farnese. Events: in July, the traditional feast of the Choirs of the mountains in Messale. In October in Bosco, fair of potato and chestnut.
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