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ristoranti polesine

Altitude: mt 35 | Distance from the provincial capital: Km 39 | Zip Code: 43010 | Phone code: 0524 | Surface area: Km2 25,01

Agricultural land of the “Bassa”, the plain area close to the Po river, which is bordered by the stream Ongina and the Po. It seems that its inhabitants live in harmony with the “big river”. Production of cereals, beets, tomatoes, and livestock. In the soil just close to the rivere there are a lot of poplar woods. The excavation of sand from the river bed is regulated by the Magistrate for the Po. In this area the are several seasoner of the famous salami “Culatello”. Recently, the tourist navigation along the great river has been opend. To be reported summer (“Marialonga”) and autumn (“November Porc”) events, both related to the tasting of sausages and pork, which attract many admirers. For a few centuries this territory was among the possessions of the noble family of Pallavicina, whose fifteenth-century building remains to witness their presence.

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