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ristoranti san secondo

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Altitude: mt 38 | Distance from the provincial capital: Km 18 | Zip Code: 43017 | Phone code: 0521 | Surface area: Km2 38,20

It is located in the fertile plain of the “Bassa” to the left of Taro river. At the center of the towns there is an ancient fortress, full of rooms with frescoes and decorations of great value, from the Renaissance period.
Agriculture is characterized by the production of sugar beet. cereals, tomatoes, parmesan cheese and charcuterie and between them to be reported Culatello and the Cooked Spalla. Among the events, the most popular are the Palio od Contrades, the Fortana (wine) and cooked Spalla Festival and the “Cassapanca” (antique market). In San Secondo there is an very important oil company producer, which has realized a special park made of ancient olive trees. Nearby there is one of the few building materials company producer.

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