Altitude: mt 34 | Distance from the provincial capital: Km 12 | Zip Code: 43058 | Phone code: 0521 | Surface area: Km2 39,59
Village in rapid urban and manufacturing expansion; it’s very close to Parma and it’s located on the left bank of the Enza. Crossed by Cisa road, which connects Sorbolo with both the capital and with the plain area of Reggio, the so callsed “Bassa Reggiana”. It has a public library equipped with multimedia facilities. It is the village from the Parma Province with the highest population increase. Together with the administration of Mezzani, the Magistrate of the Po and the Land Improvement of Parma, the administration of Sorblola has recently implemented a plan for the hydraulic safety of waterways that flow into the Po, making the raising of the levels and the reshaping of floodplain.