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ristoranti torrile

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banner aziende torrile

banner dove andiamo torrile

ristoranti torrile

Altitude: mt 31 | Distance from the provincial capital: Km 10 | Zip Code: 43030 | Phone code: 0521 | Surface area: Km2 37,30

Town from the plain of the “Bassa”, it’s located to the left of the lower course of the river Parma. its town hall is in San Polo. Center in strong development for both production sitesthan for residential neighborhoods. Pig farms, dairies, production of cereals, tomatoes, beets. Here we can find a Natural Park “Oasi di Torrile” which is a place of rest for the bird migrations and where you can find the “Knight of Italy”. Beautiful villas of the ‘700 owned by the Marquis Serra Balduino. In Gainago, close to Torrile, there’s a wood and a huge park, full of trees (plane trees, horse chestnuts, maples and hornbeams) and of birds.

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