banner aziende zibello

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ristoranti zibello

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banner aziende zibello

banner dove andiamo zibello

ristoranti zibello

Altitude: mt 35 | Distance from the provincial capital: Km 35 | Zip Code: 43010 | Phone code: 0524 | Surface area: Km2 23,50

Towns located in the fertile plain of the "Bassa”  close to the Po river. It’s mainly an agricultural town. It is known for the production of Culatello, a charcuterie from the heart of the ham. A consortium of trademark protection has been created which fixes the production area to the towns of Busseto, Zibello, Polesine, Soragna, Roccabianca, S. Second, Sissa and Colorno. In the square stands the majestic palace  of Pallavicino,  built during the Vth century (porch and pointed arches of gothic style). During the summer in the central square there’s the Fair of Culatello.

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